Portable Meters

What is important for a professional who works in the field also?
A device that is handy, massive, light weight, always be on hand and shows the proper value by the measurements.
Professional Waterproof Portable Meters
How would you describe a realy durable analytical device?
The professional’s favorit choise, easily handles the harsh industrial conditions and provides laboratory quality in accuracy and results.
The Waterproof Portable Meter is a smart device that uses messages on the LCD display to inform you about the measurements.
To mention a few, notifies if a calibration is needed, or if a buffer has been recognized and reading is stable.
Learn more about the features, options and potentials this device can afford you.
Professional Standard Portable Meters
Why do the professionals use portable meters?
Because they are compact and easy to hold with us.
The connectable electrode on a 1 m long cable allows you to measure directly the liquids by the field-works.
Thereby you can avoid the separate sampling process and reduce the total measurement time.