
Are you a seller struggling with low margins and high procurement time?

Deciding what to sell and how to get it is considered a real art industry these days.

You have to take on many tasks, from defining needs to managing suppliers to processing payments. A procurer's day never passes slowly.

When you're doing your research, there are a few factors you should always take into account.

In your search, you need to make sure that what you find can be described as:

  • Quality products
  • Affordable prices
  • Products that are flexible across industries and applications

These are all factors that can be difficult to come by, but here is a thing.

If you can find a way to purchase from a manufacturer, you can have everything you need. Because when you buy from a manufacturer, it's easier to get all of your needs met.

You can now for a limited time.

Meet the Adwa multiparameter analytical devices. Products spent 10+ years to create and develop, by constant communication with customers, developing the full range of devices, crafting and optimizing every detail.


Easy and fast

Everyone is looking for an easy-to-use product.

With these analytical instruments, customers do not have to spend days and hours learning how to use them. Learning to use Adwa meters is quite simple, so you get the results you need in seconds from the first time you switch them on.


Adwa meters are easy and fast solution to anyone who is working with analytical product to get instant and reliable results with their work.

The big pitfall.

One of the biggest issue with purchasing from a manufacturer is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ). I bet you've also come across a situation where you were able to buy the product at a much higher price because of the high MOQ, or maybe you couldn't buy because you couldn't reach the minimum threshold.

That's why it can be a real treasure if you can buy from a manufacturer who doesn't set a MOQ and you buy from them as much as you need at the time.

We listened and we heard you.

Adwa Instruments as a manufacturer offers analytical products with no minimum order quantities, so customers won't have to worry about how much they need to buy in each order.

The liquid analysis devices market is growing rapidly. With the need to quickly and accurately measure the composition for water, oil, and other liquids increasing every year, it's important to offer customers:

  • Quality products at excellent prices for resellers
  • A large range of products for liquid analysis that requires minimal upkeep
  • Adaptable across industries and applications
  • Instruments for your customers specific needs
  • High cross-selling potential

"The Non Stop Supply
(No more delays in orders)"

You don't have to wait till a bunch of intermediary agencies order the product, you can order directly from the one who creates it. This provides massive leverage over your competitors because they do not get this opportunity.

The million dollar question.
What would you rather sell?

A product that is hyped on Tik Tok or Instagram that has a demand that lasts for 2 months, becomes saturated and overly competitive that you can't make break even after a couple of sales cycle or you would like to have a whole product category that has a massive, rapidly growing audience size with constant purchases and has a long history on the market that justifies its demand.

If you prefer the first one then this opportunity is not for you. But if you want to provide your customers with a product that meets their long term needs, while you are making massive, standard revenue then be assured you are at the right place.

As a manufacturer, Adwa Instruments has tested and selected the best analytical products that tens of thousands of customers need each and every day.

Analytical tools represent a huge opportunity for any reseller or distributor. Our products, such as our pH meters, EC (conductivity), TDS meters, temperature meters, and many more of our products, can help users determine the quality of liquids, drinking water, pools, spas, laboratory analysis, wine, beer, aquariums, aquatic life, crop production and other measurements.

And the best thing is that more and more people will need measurements to make sure what they are doing is right.

Analytical products will never be saturated, there will always be a demand for analytical products and their accessories.

Let’s talk!

Fill in your contact details and let's talk about it.

Thank you for your partnership application.

Adwa Team will get in touch with you shortly using the contact details you have provided.


Are you a retailer struggling with low margins and high procurement time?

Well, then you should know why the 95% of the retailers fail with their procurement?

Deciding what to sell and how to get it is considered a real art industry these days.

You have to take on many tasks, from defining needs to managing suppliers to processing payments. A procurer's day never passes slowly.

When you're doing your research, there are a few factors you should always take into account.

In your search, you need to make sure that what you find can be described as:

  • Quality products
  • Affordable prices
  • Products that are flexible across industries and applications

These are all factors that can be difficult to come by, but here is a thing.

If you can find a way to purchase from a manufacturer, they can provide everything that is required. Because when you buy from a manufacturer, it's easier to get all of your needs met.

For example, providing high-quality products, support that save clients headaches or immediate package dispatch.

One of the biggest issue with purchasing from a manufacturer is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ). I bet you've also come across a situation where you were able to buy the product at a much higher price because of the high MOQ, or maybe you couldn't buy because you couldn't reach the minimum threshold.

That's why it can be a real treasure if you can buy from a manufacturer who doesn't set a MOQ and you buy from them as much as you need at the time.

We listened and we heard you.

Adwa Instruments as a manufacturer offers analytical products with no minimum order quantities, so customers won't have to worry about how much they need to buy in each order.

The liquid analysis devices market is growing rapidly. With the need to quickly and accurately measure the composition for water, oil, and other liquids increasing every year, it's important to offer customers:

  • Quality products at excellent prices for resellers
  • A large range of products for liquid analysis that requires minimal upkeep
  • Adaptable across industries and applications
  • Instruments for your customers specific needs
  • High cross-selling potential

"The Non Stop Supply
(No more delays in orders)"

You don't have to wait till a bunch of intermediary agencies order the product, you can order directly from the one who creates it. This provides massive leverage over your competitors because they do not get this opportunity.

The million dollar question.
What would you rather sell?

A product that is hyped on Tik Tok or Instagram that has a demand that lasts for 2 months, becomes saturated and overly competitive that you can't make break even after a couple of sales cycle or you would like to have a whole product category that has a massive, rapidly growing audience size with constant purchases and has a long history on the market that justifies its demand.

If you prefer the first one then this opportunity is not for you. But if you want to provide your customers with a product that meets their long term needs, while you are making massive, standard revenue then be assured you are at the right place.

As a manufacturer, Adwa Instruments has tested and selected the best analytical products that tens of thousands of customers need each and every day.

Analytical tools represent a huge opportunity for any reseller or distributor. Our products, such as our pH meters, EC (conductivity), TDS meters, temperature meters, and many more of our products, can help users determine the quality of liquids, drinking water, pools, spas, laboratory analysis, wine, beer, aquariums, aquatic life, crop production and other measurements.

And the best thing is that more and more people will need measurements to make sure what they are doing is right.

Analytical products will never be saturated, there will always be a demand for analytical products and their accessories.

Let’s talk!

Fill in your contact details and let's talk about it.

Lorem Ipsum

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris cursus turpis eu dolor lacinia, sed pharetra ipsum rutrum. Praesent blandit ipsum justo, in viverra mauris vestibulum sed. Praesent vel orci id ligula volutpat vestibulum. Cras ut urna elementum lacus congue vestibulum. Cras ac pretium odio. Vivamus mi lorem, luctus at commodo nec, semper a urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin ac libero urna. Proin ligula urna, ornare sed condimentum a, rutrum elementum magna. Morbi mattis fringilla enim quis rhoncus. Proin dictum, lorem eu rutrum aliquet, arcu orci convallis mi, ac tempor nibh odio vel lacus. Fusce tellus sem, mattis sit amet risus quis, congue tincidunt massa. Sed quis libero id ipsum rhoncus tempor id in nibh. Duis in orci tincidunt arcu elementum imperdiet.

Integer id aliquet odio, eu pharetra nulla. Aliquam efficitur iaculis purus, vel vehicula lacus viverra vitae. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc faucibus lorem a imperdiet commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent non magna imperdiet, faucibus metus ut, varius est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc congue tristique est quis lacinia. Proin feugiat sapien efficitur purus facilisis, posuere auctor lorem tristique. Aenean convallis sodales massa, eu placerat ligula rhoncus vitae. Donec in imperdiet dolor, id pellentesque neque. Phasellus est nibh, congue iaculis lacinia non, malesuada in purus. Donec pharetra lectus sollicitudin eros faucibus facilisis.

Nunc cursus elit ut mollis sollicitudin. Cras molestie blandit magna at luctus. Curabitur dignissim ante vitae augue congue sodales. Quisque maximus maximus purus id ultrices. Integer sagittis vehicula libero, at ornare augue aliquet sit amet. Sed interdum justo eros, in imperdiet sem vulputate consectetur. Donec fermentum pellentesque lorem quis pharetra. Integer quis fermentum neque. Sed consequat enim eros, vitae gravida mauris volutpat nec.

Suspendisse potenti. Nullam pellentesque magna et tortor blandit, ac tempus ante commodo. Etiam malesuada odio non orci sagittis feugiat. Etiam fringilla aliquet aliquet. Sed ultricies dui nisi, ac pulvinar diam semper a. In cursus nibh ut dui rutrum pulvinar. Sed vehicula pharetra lectus ornare tempor.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus iaculis tellus et nulla fringilla molestie. Nullam vitae rutrum nulla. Ut cursus sagittis suscipit. Aliquam sollicitudin quam vel ultrices gravida. Mauris aliquet arcu id tortor maximus, at dictum sem porttitor. Nullam elit sapien, imperdiet ut tristique sit amet, venenatis quis turpis. Aliquam a urna auctor, imperdiet enim pretium, bibendum purus.

Under construction...


Bench Meters



AD1000 Professional Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / Temp. Bench Meter
with RS232 / USB interface & GLP




AD1020 Professional Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / Temp. Bench Meter
with RS232 / USB interface & GLP





AD1030 Professioanl Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / Temp. Bench Meter 
with GLP




AD1040 Professioanl Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / Temp. Bench Meter 
with GLP




AD1200 Professioanl Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / ISE / Temp. Bench Meter 
with GLP




AD3000 Professional Multi-Parameter
Conductivity / TDS / Temp. Bench
Meter with GLP




AD8000 Professional Multi-Parameter
pH / ORP / Conductivity / TDS / Temp.
Bench Meter with GLP






Professional Portable Meters    



AD130 Professional Multi-Parameter 
Splash-Proof pH / ORP / Temp.
Portable Meter





AD131 Professional Multi-Parameter 
Splash-Proof pH / ORP / Temp.
Portable Meter with GLP





AD132 Professional Multi-Parameter 
Splash-Proof pH / ORP / Temp.
Portable Meter with RS232 interface





AD331 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / Temp. Portable Meter
with GLP





AD330 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / TDS / Temp.
Portable Meter with GLP





AD332 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / TDS / Temp. 
Portable Meter with RS232 interface



AD630 Dissolved Oxygen & Temp.
Waterproof Meter with Galvanic Probe









Standard Portable Meters    



AD110 Standard Professional
pH / Temp. Portable Meter





AD111 Standard Professional 
pH / ORP / Temp. Portable Meter





AD310 Standard Professional
Conductivity / TDS / Temp.
Portable Meter





AD410 Standard Professional
Conductivity / TDS / Temp.
Portable Meter







Professional Pocket Testers    



AD11 Professional Waterproof
pH / Temp. Pocket Tester with
replaceable probe





AD12 Professional Waterproof 
pH / Temp. Pocket Tester with
replaceable probe





AD14 Professional Waterproof 
pH / ORP / Temp. Pocket Tester with
replaceable probe





AD31 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / TDS / Temp.
Pocket Tester with replaceable





AD32 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / TDS / Temp. 
Pocket Tester with replaceable 





AD33 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / Temp. Pocket
Tester with replaceable probe





AD35 Professional Waterproof 
Conductivity / Temp. Pocket
Tester with replaceable probe









Standard Pocket Testers


AD100 Standard pH Pocket Tester





AD101 Standard pH Pocket Tester





AD203 Standard Conductivity Pocket





AD204 Standard Conductivity Pocket





AD201 Standard TDS Pocket Tester





AD202 Standard TDS Pocket Tester









Continuous Indicators


ECO209 Continuous pH Indicator





ECO406 Continuous
Conductivity / TDS Indicator





ECO407 Continuous 
Conductivity / TDS Indicator







If you would like to become a partner, if you are interested about the conditions to become a member of our distributor network or if you have any questions related to us / our products please do not hesitate to get in touch with us:

by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • by phone: +36 62 317878 (from Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30)
  • by Skype:  adwa.hungary.kft (from Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30)
  • by fax: +36 62 317 889
  • by online inquiry

Adwa Hungary Kft. 

6726 Szeged, Alsó-Kikötő sor 11.C 


VAT# : HU 14655737
Company reg. #: 06-09-013616

Tel.: +36 62 317 878
Fax: +36 62 317 889

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


{contactus mailto=sales#adwainstruments.com}



If You have any questions related to us / our products please do not hesitate to contact us:

- by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- by phone: +36 62 317878 (from Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30)

- by Skype:  adwa.hungary.kft (from Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30)

- by fax: +36 62 550610

- by online inquiry (below)


Adwa Hungary Kft. 

6726 Szeged, Alsó-Kikötő sor 11.C 


VAT Nr.: HU 14655737
Company reg. nr. 06-09-013616

Tel.: +36 62 317 878
Fax: +36 62 550 610

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



{contactus mailto=sales#adwainstruments.com}  



Why partnering with Adwa?

Adwa sells products through partners. 

Excellent Cooperation

Adwa understands, that different markets have different conditions, therefore you can form your own selling prices on your market, in which Adwa does not interfere in any manner.

Great System

Have you seen our Partner and Store Locator®?

High Profit Margin

Adwa keeps its prices below the market avarage, thereby ensures the high profit margin and income to the partners.

Thank you for signing up!

Test soil EC at any time

Your plant needs adequate amount of nutrients for optimal growth. Testing soil EC is a quick, simple and inexpensive way to figure out, how much nutrient is actually available for your plant. Track the available nutrients, test your soil EC level at any time in few simple steps.


collecting soil to test soil EC

1. Collect samples of soil from the test area. (The soil should be taken from the same depth below the surface each time you test.) It is suggested to take at least two samples per test. The more samples, the more accurate the measurement will be. Take more samples around your plant and mix them. You will get a homogenous sample.




weigh out soil to test soil EC

2. Take the homogeneous sample. Weigh out 1 unit soil (100 g is recommended).




add water to soil to test soil EC

3. Add 2 unit (200 ml) distilled water to it.





stir soil sample to test soil EC

4. Stir the sample for 30 seconds.

5. Let it sit for 15 minutes.




filter soil sample to test soil EC

6. Filter liquid into clean cup.




test soil EC

7. Stir it again, then take your measurement with Adwa EC meter.
Hold the electrode in the sample min. 1 minute before the reading.



Test soil pH at any time

Knowing the pH level of your soil is essential to ensure an optimal plant growth. pH test results will guide you in the decision whether and how much the soil needs supplements, like fertilizers and soil pH adjusters. Test your soil pH level at any time in few simple steps.


collecting soil to test soil pH

1. Collect samples of soil from the test area. (The soil should be taken from the same depth below the surface each time you test.) It is suggested to take at least two samples per test. The more samples, the more accurate the measurement will be. Take more samples around your plant and mix them. You will get a homogenous sample.




weigh out soil to test soil pH

2. Take the homogeneous sample. Weigh out 1 unit soil (100 g is recommended).



add water to soil to test soil pH

3. Add 2 unit (200 ml) distilled water to it.





stir soil sample to test soil pH

4. Stir the sample for 30 seconds.

5. Let it sit for 15 minutes.




filter soil sample to test soil pH

6. Filter liquid into clean cup.




test soil pH

7. Stir it again, then take your measurement with Adwa pH meter.
Hold the electrode in the sample min. 1 minute before the reading.





How to test...?

Do your activity more confidently and efficiently with tests and measurements. Learn through practical examples how to ease your life with testing devices. Find a test that matches your activity in our library.

Explore the library >




Privacy & Cookies policy

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Data Protection

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This privacy policy (Policy) contains the rules governing the processing of personal data and information on data management framework carried out of the www.adwainstruments.com sites and services (Services) operated by Adwa Hungary Kft. (Operator).


The technical background of the Service is provided by the Hostmonster, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Hosting Provider) the hosting provider ensures the operation of the software placed on the server.


Once you begin to use the service, the user (the person who uses the service: hereinafter referred to as User)  accepts the terms of this Policy (that is available directly from each sub-page’s footer).


General legal information


The content on this website (texts, images) is copyrighted and is under the protection of the law. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, disclosure of this website is non-authorized to the third party.


1. The identity of the personal data management


The personal data processed by the Operator in connection with the Services does not require a third-party data management. All the personal data the Operator collects from the Services are solely handled by the Operator and its employees. The information about the Users of the Services is stored in the Hosting Provider's server.


2. Information on data management


2.1 Management of website traffic


The visitors and the characteristics of the site are measured by Google Analytics, a web analytics service. During the operation, Google Analytics logs a number of features of the visitors, such as the User’s location, what browser or operating system is used, the number of visits on the sub-pages. The data stored by Google Analytics is not suitable to identify you as an individual person by name, but it is able to recognize that someone else has already visited our website before from your computer with the browser you are using during a later visit. To collect this information, the system places small data files called “cookies” in your browser. The objective of this collecting is to know the User’s behavior, the expansion, and development of the website upon the obtained information. This type of information helps us to improve our Services for both you and for all of our users.


2.2 Purpose and positioning of "Cookies" and "web beacons"


When you use the Service the system places small data files called “cookies” in your browser for the following purposes:


- recording data

- user identification

- to facilitate further visits of the user

- increasing the efficiency of the Service

- in order to deliver targeted content or market research


The information collected by the Operator according to the use of these small data files are not linked with the user’s identification data. The so-called “session cookies” at the end of the deadline - set in cookies setup - are automatically deleted.


Users can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level.

The user can modify the following options in his browser according to the cookies:


- You can ask to be notified if the operator wishes to place a cookie on your computer

- You can prohibit of sending the cookies at any time


If you choose to reject cookies you may still use our website through your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted. Please note if the cookies are not accepted, it could result that certain pages or functions may not work properly and it is possible that the User does not get the right to access to certain information.

Beyond the cookies placed by the Operator on the user's machine may also install a third-party data files. In such case can be for example if the User visits another site within the Service framework.


For such purposes, the Operator inserts a web beacon (in other words a web bug) to their website from a third party. A web beacon is an image embedded into the web page that lets you keep track of the visits the website has. This information is called "clickstream data". With this information, the attendance patterns can be analyzed which is necessary to improve the quality of the website and the display of adverts. The function of the web beacons’ is similar to the cookies’: they are used to track the User’s online track movement. The main difference between them is that the web beacons cannot be seen on the site. In addition, the user does not have the opportunity to disable downloading the web bugs in the browser (unlike cookies). You can find more information about the beacons on the web here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_beacon


3. The purpose of data management


The reason of data management carried out by the Operator in connection with the Service is to provide an efficient provision of the Services.


4. Data handling, transferring data to third parties


Information collected by the Operator from the User is preserved confidentially and is not given to third parties.


5. Data Security


The operator will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.

The operator will store all the personal information you provide on secure (password- and firewall-protected) servers.

You acknowledge, that the transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure, and the operator cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.


6. Final Provisions


6.1 Legal practices, remedies


- Information

The User can ask information about the usage of personal data, by e-mail to the marketing(at)adwainstruments.com e-mail address.


- Data modification, deletion of data

The subscriber may request to remove his contact information by e-mail to the marketing(at)adwainstruments.com e-mail address.


- Remedy

The User who feels like that the Operator has violated his right of the protection of personal data can request the assistance of the Privacy Commissioner or can validate his claim in front of a civil court. The detailed legal regulations related to this and to the obligations of data managing can be found in the law statue Nr. LXIII of the year 1992 about the Protection of personal data and the disclosure of information of public interest.


6.2 Amendment


The Operator reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. In case of modification, the Operator makes available the revised policy on the Service website.

The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. All updates and amendments are effective immediately upon notice, which we may give by any means, including, but not limited to by posting a revised version of this Privacy Policy or other notice on the Website.


Data protection

Best opportunity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ornare nunc a nunc tincidunt vehicula at ac arcu. Mauris sit amet augue vitae dolor rutrum laoreet ac et ante. Donec laoreet eu sem eget vulputate. Integer luctus hendrerit mi, vitae scelerisque dui vehicula nec. Aenean ut odio accumsan, auctor enim sit amet, sagittis quam. Mauris dapibus ultricies felis nec porta. Vestibulum imperdiet eget justo id malesuada. Pellentesque a arcu eget lectus tincidunt tristique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ornare nunc a nunc tincidunt vehicula at ac arcu. Mauris sit amet augue vitae dolor rutrum laoreet ac et ante. Donec laoreet eu sem eget vulputate. Integer luctus hendrerit mi, vitae scelerisque dui vehicula nec. Aenean ut odio accumsan, auctor enim sit amet, sagittis quam. Mauris dapibus ultricies felis nec porta. Vestibulum imperdiet eget justo id malesuada. Pellentesque a arcu eget lectus tincidunt tristique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ornare nunc a nunc tincidunt vehicula at

About partner and store locator

Find a dealer close to you!

If you are interested in Adwa products, prices or any kind of information try out the Adwa partner and store locator.

There are many distributors worldwide ready to help.

Start your search now with the Adwa partner and store locator.

ac arcu. Mauris sit amet augue vitae dolor rutrum laoreet ac et ante. Donec laoreet eu sem eget vulputate. Integer luctus hendrerit mi, vitae scelerisque dui vehicula nec. Aenean ut odio accumsan, auctor enim sit amet, sagittis quam. Mauris dapibus ultricies felis nec porta. Vestibulum imperdiet eget justo id malesuada. Pellentesque a arcu eget lectus tincidunt tristique.