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🤓 Growstones are made from recycled glass from landfills or glass collecting & processing places. 🌱💧

🔳🔳 Growstones 🌱🗿🔳🔳

Some people may worry that they can get cut from this medium because they are made from glass. Don't get worried about that because these recycled glass has been hardly crushed, melt, sometimes mixed in some calcium carbonates.
This medium is very lightweight, highly porous and above all, it has great air aeration,🌬 and average moisture retention 💦to the root system.🌿
👀 You should start by washing and rinse the medium thoroughly to remove small particles, and dust.
🌱 The medium is ideal for using alone or for mixing into peat, coco coir 🥥 and other growing media.
👍 Benefits 👍
✅ Lightweight
✅ Good air to water ratio
✅ Sustainable
👎 Downsides 👎
◾️ Cling to some roots, which can cause root damage for some plant types.
◾️ A little bit of dust.
◾️ More expensive than other media.